Notary Public Malibu

Notary Public in Malibu

Fast, trustworthy, and certified walk-in and mobile notary services in Malibu. We are reliable, insured and bonded with over 5+ years of experience. Notary Public Malibu

What can a notary do in California?

"A notary public is a person of integrity appointed by the Secretary of State to serve the public as an impartial and unbiased witness by identifying persons who come before the notary. The most common function of the notary is to prevent fraud by attesting that a person actually signed a document. To do so, the notary will take acknowledgments of deeds and other instruments or administer oaths." CA Government Code § 2.2

How long does it take to become a notary in CA?

To become a notary in California you must first take the 6-hour notary class. You will then need to take the 3-hour renewing class every 4 years.

How much can a notary charge in California?

A notary in California may charge up to $15 per signature, with an additional charge for mobile services limited at $50.

Why does notarized mean?

A document has been notarized when it has been signed by a notary. Institutions rely on notarization to verify that the legal transaction is authentic.